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The Pike Lake Sportsmen's Club is involved in a number of activities to promote the quality of Pike Lake.

Oversee two weed harvests each year. These harvests are allowed by a permit form the DNR nad remove weeds from navigable areas on the lake as well as passageways into property owner's piers. This removal of weeds contributes to a healthy lake by removing biomass and phosphorus.


Monitor the spillway (dam) for leaks or failure. In 2014, significant leaks were noted on both sides of the spillway and major repairs were made in 2015.


Observe the Rice Lake inlet creek for signs of algae build up.


Conduct “Clean Boats, Clean Water” boat landing activity to control invasive aquatic plants.


Monitor and control the geese population on the lake. Each goose will deposit about 1-2 pounds of feces each day. Since it is rich in nitrogen and gets washed into the lake, this becomes a lake quality issue in addition to a nuisance for property owners. Also, goose fecal matter has been linked to the spread of diseases and bacterial infections.


Operate and maintain the lake aerator. This aerator is essential to provide oxygen for fish in the winter and prevent winter kill off.


Cooperate with and support the Fishing Club.


Participate in the water quality study of eastern lakes of Marathon County that was conducted by UW of Stevens Point. This study promotes the long term health of the lake by understanding the present condition of the lake.

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